Message from Management
Late Shri Puran Singh Dangwal
Founder, DBES

Message from Founder - Missioner
Doon Educational Society works for the upliftment of the educational standards. The institution’s healthy growing initiative tries to develop more with the help of efficient board members, faculty & staff. We have rededicated ourselves to the course of quality education.
Nothing is so precious & important in the world as children. A child is like a bud who needs care, nourishment & delicate handling before it blooms into a world citizen.
With this aim, our school provides an environment embedded with love & discipline for the development of child’s personality & shapes it to achieve their goals.
Every educational institute must take upon itself the responsibility of producing accountable & committed citizens to make this largest democracy of the world to live in its majesty & glory.
We are confident that those who are aspiring for a challenging career will find a right place at our school for conditioning themselves with the right kind of skill & aptitude to achieve excellence in various fields of expertise
Smt Durga Devi Dangwal
Chairperson, DBES Society

Message From Chairperson
Doon Bharti Public School is a vibrant and welcoming learning community,
committed to creating the best possible educational experience for every child.
We aim to enable all children to reach their full potential.
We have a talented, dedicated, caring team of staff, each of whom works very
hard to ensure that the abilities of the children in our care are nurtured and
carefully developed. Our teachers and teaching assistants are experienced and
work as a team to make the school a very special place, every day for your child.
We look forward to working with you as partners in your child's education.
Manish Dangwal
Director, DBES

Message from Director's Desk
"An educational system is worth a great deal if it teaches young minds how to make a life rather than just making a living."
We at Doon Bharti Public school want to be acknowledged as an Institute which provides quality education with modern techniques, innovative learning yet keeping the foundation strong. We want to bring self belief in a child, allow him/her to experience the opportunity, joy of discovery and develop a love for learning. Every Child has a gist and we must elevate that talent to its maximum potential, therefore, at DBPS we focus on overall development of the child and keep exploring new ways to enhance those skills by initiating play & learn method of learning.
Ms. Sangeeta Dobal
Principal - Doon Bharti Public School (Greater Faridabad)

Message from Principal's Desk
Dear Parents,
On behalf of the staff of DBPS, I would like to extend a warm welcome to
you and your child. Doon Bharti Public School aims to provide our pupils
with a high standard of education & wide variety of experiences in a happy
and caring environment. A committed team of staff and ancillary staff in
the school strives to provide the best for all pupils throughout their time at
DBPS. This prospectus is intended to give you an idea of the work of our
school. In it, you will find information about everyday running of the
school, wide curriculum that we offer and the breadth of experiences
available to our pupils. If you have any questions about the application
process, please do not hesitate to ask. I look forward to meeting you and
your child over the coming months.
Yours faithfully
Bharti Bhakuni
Doon Bharti Public School has encouraged its students to excel not only academically but also at cocurricular spheres of life. It is our strong belief that the young generation of this country, who are the inheritors of our rich cultural heritage, must be encouraged to respect and preserve it.
It is with this aim that Doon Bharti Public School has started several on-and-off campus initiatives to promote these skills and values among its student community. We allow young children to explore the outside as we believe that learning cannot be conned within the four walls of the classroom and that there is no better teacher than nature.
Students are encouraged to ask questions because we believe that a curious mind is the receptacle of learning.
A healthy body and mind that can appreciate nuances of aesthetics in nature and diverse human activity is the sine qua non for becoming a balanced human being. To facilitate this, the school's calendar contains a host of co-curricular activities that cover a very wide spectrum. Performing and visual arts, sports and games, environmental studies, meditation and yoga will be practiced as a part of the routine. Children are exposed to real world experience through interactions with the community, trips and excursions to places of historical and social importance and by getting term to interact with experts and resource persons from various fields of human endeavor. At Doon Bharti Public School, we encourage each and every pupil to participate in cultural, literary and social activities on and off campus. Activity periods built into curriculum open avenues for exploration and pursuit of hobbies. Our comprehensive sports arena encourages participation in various outdoor activities fostering team spirit, loyalty and unity - the essential components of the learning process.